
Friday, October 28, 2016

Oh hi there!

 Oh! Hello there...

I've been absent for a while.  (Like over a year)  I found the longer it went before posting the harder it was to sit down and write.  We have had so many things happen over the last year, that I feel we need a nice catch up.  So grab a hot cuppa tea and lets have a chat.

First things first.  I started working on my MBA.  I must admit...this has been one of the hardest things I have ever done.  Seriously...  Time management has not been my strong suit on this one.  As time has gone on I have gotten much better with it, but I must admit it has been taking up most of my spare time, energy and brain power.

 Our oldest daughter Kaitlyn graduated from high school this past spring.  She is attending college in the Midwest.  Kaitlyn is an Athletic Training major at Indiana State University.  I must say that I miss her a ridiculous amount.  My mom, 2 of my aunts and myself made the 16 hour drive to go out and visit her this month.  It was an amazing time and I am so glad that I got to spend a long weekend with her.

This is from when we dropped her off at college.  *sigh* So hard to believe that she is a freshman in college.

She has joined a sorority and has settled right in...

Hannah is now a junior in high school and is starting to look at colleges.  She wants to be a nurse. I am secretly hoping that she stays in New England.  I don't know if I can handle the two of them both far away.

Hannah has started driving. She is currently on her learners permit.  She is eligible to get her license in November.  Stay off the roads...

We are anxiously awaiting to see if she was accepted into National Honor Society.  Hannah was invited to apply and she did.  My fingers and toes are crossed for her!

Brendan is currently in 5th grade and doing very well.  He spent seven weeks at camp this summer.  I This was an awesome experience for him.  He swam.  He ran around.  He discovered he loved archery.  He had tremendous growth.  It.was.amazing!

Brendan also was able to finally attend his first Red Sox game.  We went as a family to Fenway in August.  We got to see the Sox take on the New York Yankees.  A fun-filled night was had by all.

We also managed quite a few home projects and renovations over the last year.  Here is a sneak peek at some of them...

Not too shabby, huh?  It's been awesome looking back over the past year and sharing them with you.  And I pinky swear that I won't vanish for a year again.  I've figured out that pesky time management and will be around posting much more frequently.

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